Sunday, 5 August 2012

Eco Simplicity - Bathrooms

The simplicity of raw wood becomes an art form. Clean simple interiors to showcase 
the beauty in nature. 
Raw wood in its natural form sculptured to form a bench

 White and natural colours provide the perfect backdrop 

There is a feeling of Shaker inspired living, practical and natural

Natural materials combine with raw surfaces 

Raw bleached and untreated

If you would like to see more Eco Simplicity images - Pinterest

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  1. Dit is helemaal naar mijn hart, eenvoudig, verstild en de combinatie wit/naturel en ruw. Prachtige foto,s van niet het vele is goed, maar het goede is veel,

    groeten Pauline

  2. new follower love your blog. xo Laura


Thank you for your inspiring words No21x